Award-winning breathalysers

Accurate, quick and easy to use

AlcoSense Excel, winner of the 2018 German Design Awards, presented by the German Design Council, international design category.
"AlcoSense has the edge here... [the Excel] proved accurate at all levels. A great combination of price and performance."
AlcoSense Excel, winner of the 2019 EVO breathalyser group test. AlcoSense Pro Runner Up.

Exceptional service & support

Stay legal in France.

NF certified breathalyzers from £5.99.

Simplicity. Redefined.

Meet the award-winning AlcoSense Excel.

Buy direct online, or find a dealer

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There’s been a sharp increase in the number of deaths on Britain’s roads cau ...
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Motorists are being warned of the dangers of drink driving as Police in Northern ...
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