Latest News from the World of Breathalyzers

Breath tests down in Northern Ireland - but more drivers over the limit

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
New figures show that police in Northern Ireland conducted 9,343 roadside breath tests during their Christmas drink drive campaign – an decrease of 2.7% over the previous festive period. Just ... » read more

Breath Tests set to Double this December

Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Drivers are being warned their chances of a breathalyser test are about to double. In December last year, Police in England and Wales stopped 37,067 motorists on suspicion of drink driving - more ... » read more

Roadside breath tests have slumped to their lowest level on record.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Roadside breath tests have slumped to their lowest level on record.   New data published by the Home Office shows that in 2021 just 224,162 motorists were breathalysed by Police in England and ... » read more

Drink drive deaths double in Scotland

Friday, October 28, 2022
The number of drink drive deaths on Scotland’s roads has doubled in the last ten years.  A report from Transport Scotland shows there were 20 fatalities in 2020 (the latest year for whic ... » read more

AlcoSense Excel wins Auto Express Group Test

Tuesday, October 18, 2022
ALCOSENSE EXCEL WINS AUTO EXPRESS GROUP TEST  AlcoSense has grabbed the top two places in a breathalyser product group test by leading car magazine, Auto Express.   The AlcoSense Ex ... » read more

How to use a breathalyzer

Thursday, October 13, 2022
 How alcohol is processedWhen you drink, alcohol is absorbed into the blood stream through your mouth and throat but mostly through the stomach and small intestine. The more you drink, the more a ... » read more

How to choose the best breathalyzer

Friday, September 16, 2022
Choose the best breathalyzerWhat is the best breathalyzer for home use? There is a wide range of personal breathalyzers available, ranging in price from £3 to over £250. A good consumer breath tes ... » read more

20 times more likely to be breathalysed in France

Tuesday, August 16, 2022
 British motorists are being warned they are TWENTY times more likely to be breathalysed by Police in France, compared to the UK.     And with the French drink drive limit ... » read more

6,480 killed or injured in drink drive crashes

Wednesday, August 03, 2022
  There were 220 deaths on Britain’s roads in 2020 where a motorist was over the drink drive limit, only slightly down on ten years previously when there were 240 fatalities.   Drunk dr ... » read more

AlcoSense Calls for Lower Drink Drive Limit

Tuesday, July 05, 2022  
  The managing director of AlcoSense Laboratories has called for the drink drive limit to be reduced by three quarters to remove ‘legal but lethal’ drivers from our roads.   T ... » read more