Latest News from the World of Breathalyzers

Breathalyser warning this Christmas

Monday, December 20, 2021  
Police are out in force this month checking for drivers over the limit, as drinking at home rises sharply following the outbreak of Covid. December is the busiest month for roadside breath testing. La ... » read more

Driving under the influence increased by 23%

Tuesday, September 28, 2021  
Driving under the influence (DUI) has increased by a shocking 23% compared with last year, according to the latest report from the Scottish government.Recorded Crime in Scotland figures publishe ... » read more

Drink Drive Deaths and Serious Injuries Rise

Thursday, August 26, 2021  
 A Government report published today shows that 230 people were killed on Britain’s roads in 2019 where the motorist was over the drink drive limit.    The number of killed or s ... » read more

One million women have driven under the influence

Monday, August 23, 2021  
A common myth is that drink driving is a male problem. But in a study by the Office for National Statistics, nearly five per cent of women reported driving whilst over the legal alcohol limit at least ... » read more

Drink Drivers To Take Rehabilitation Courses in Northern Ireland

Wednesday, July 28, 2021  
All convicted drink drivers in Northern Ireland will now be automatically referred to a rehabilitation course – to educate them on the potential consequences of their actions.   Those com ... » read more

Fans are being warned not to drive on Monday morning

Friday, July 09, 2021  
Fans are being warned not to drive on Monday morning if they’ve been celebrating England’s win in the Euro 2020 final (or drowning their sorrows).    If you drink four pints of ... » read more

Police Scotland to launch drink drive campaign

Friday, July 09, 2021  
With Police Scotland set to launch a drink drive blitz on Monday 5 July, motorists are being warned that the ‘morning after’ can be just as dangerous as the night itself.    Fo ... » read more

Roadside breath tests to rise in June

Wednesday, June 02, 2021  
Motorists are being issued with a drink-drive warning as Police gear up for their annual Summer crackdown.   The number of roadside breath tests carried out in June is higher than any other mon ... » read more

Road Traffic Back To Pre-Covid Levels

Wednesday, June 02, 2021  
  Road Traffic Back To Pre-Covid Levels   Road traffic during weekdays is finally back to pre-Covid levels.  Data published today by the Department for Transport shows that on Friday ... » read more

43% of men will visit pub this week

Friday, May 21, 2021
43% of men will visit pub this week   ~  ‘Morning After’ drink drive warning  ~   Men and younger people will be leading the charge back to the pub as lockdown rest ... » read more