Latest News from the World of Breathalyzers

75% of all EU traffic prosecutions are from France

Tuesday, August 13, 2019
75% of all EU traffic prosecutions are from France   It’s official…  Police in France prosecute more British drivers than any other country!    The UK signed up to ... » read more

DVLA provides details of 200,000 British drivers in four months

Tuesday, July 23, 2019
DVLA provides details of 200,000 British drivers in four months New ‘virtual licence’ could lead to French driving ban   British holidaymakers who flout traffic laws in France an ... » read more

Motorists warned of lower drink drive limits abroad

Friday, July 12, 2019
Motorists warned of lower drink drive limits abroad ~ and you’re more likely to be caught whilst on holiday~   British motorists planning to drive abroad this Summer are being warned tha ... » read more

Roadside breath tests to rise in June

Thursday, May 30, 2019  
Motorists are being issued with a drink-drive warning as police gear up for their annual Summer crackdown.   The number of roadside breath tests carried out in June is 50% higher than any other ... » read more

AlcoSense Excel Wins EVO 2019 Product Test

Tuesday, April 30, 2019  
The AlcoSense Excel has been judged best personal breathalyser 2019 in a comparative test by Evo, the monthly car magazine, featuring nine breathalysers from six different brands. AlcoSense were the ... » read more

Drinking and Droning: breath test call

Wednesday, February 20, 2019
The Government has announced that new legislation will come into force next month to limit the misuse of drones. Airport ‘no fly’ zones will be extended and a partnership has been forged w ... » read more

Drink Drive Deaths Up 45% In Two Years

Friday, February 15, 2019
The number of people killed in road accidents where the driver was over the drink drive limit has risen 45% in two years.     Provisional figures released by the Department for Transport t ... » read more

Don't accidentally drink drive on New Year's Day

Monday, December 31, 2018  
A new survey has found that 44% would drive before 11am, despite drinking five large glasses of wine or five pints of medium-strong beer on New Year’s Eve. Over a fifth (22%) would drive before ... » read more

Just 40% of Motorists Would Report A Drunk Driver

Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Only four out of ten UK motorists (41%) would call the Police if they thought a car was being driven by a drunk driver, new research has found.   A quarter (25%) would ignore it completely if ... » read more

Public Call For Tougher Drink Drive Laws

Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Over 80% of UK motorists think there should be stiffer penalties for drink driving, with more than half strongly in favour.   When asked in a new poll what measures the Government should introd ... » read more